iCreate High School powered by Canyon Grove

We're partnering with Canyon Grove for accredited, flexible high school!

We've created a partnership  for you to receive high school and /early college credit for grades 9-12! 

This is in conjunction with the new Canyon Grove Hybrid High School & Early College program (the program coordinators have run this programm before so it's proven!)    You can earn an accredited high school diploma, General Education Certificate and/or Associate's degree program  - and still keep your flexible homeschool schedule!    

Choose an option with your enrollment at Canyon Grove:

1 - Full Time Charter School student 

*Full High school or Early College concurrent enrollment program 
*Tuition for iCreate classes is covered 
*iCreate High school classes receive high school credit 
*Google chromebook + headphones provided
*tutors & activities included 

2 - Part Time enrollment
*Half program paid for
*receive High school credit
*Tutors & activities  included

FOR MORE INFO:   Contact Alexis Foust at Canyon Grove for more details at 801-836-4161. She can help you know if this is a good fit and answer specific questions. 

TO ENROLL:  In order to participate, you must enroll in  Canyon  Grove as a  student (full or part time).   In the enrollment process, write that you're interested in the Orem iCreate pod.    They can now also accept the UFA scholarship!   

These iCreate in-person classes are eligible for high school credit.    9th grade is recommended to take classes in orem, 10-12 can take classes here too! 
Click HERE to read descriptions of each class.

Click HERE to find out the difference between doing 9th grade in orem with iCreate and doing it at the AF pod.  

Students can also take:
Tutoring - Tues 9:30-12am (If enough interest)
The Genius Project - Tues 12:30-3pm (High school Entrep & Marketing electives)
Theater - Thurs 1-3pm (High school theater credit)  

We do also have a middle school pod at the same times - currently this isn't partnered with Canyon Grove, but enough interest we could see about making that work.

COLLEGE COURSES  (High school & college Credit)
*College Readiness
*Art Appreciation
*Political Science

*Meet Mon/Wed in person - 9:30-2:30pm  
*Concurrent enrollment teachers that are handpicked by experienced homeschool moms
*Proven program (2 of Molly's kids and 1 of Marika's did this program before it went all online, so we know it's good)
*They are completely committed to helping the student succeed!
*Access to tutors on Tues/Thurs at local libraries
*Connect with other students in other pods with activities
*Leadership ambassadors from each location will help plan and organize events  
*Only 60 seats between all the pods in the county locations (Orem, American Fork, Salem)  
*Can take other high school classes from iCreate (Mon/Wed, plus Genius project Tues afternoon / Theater Thurs afternoon)
*Intake interview and course selection will be the week of Aug 19  (live or zoom)
*Canyon Grove will help you tailor an education to fit your goals 
*Classes begin Aug 26 

The most recent updates are HERE