Art Jr. 

*Updates to the following will be coming.

Fine Arts

Art Jr class is an exciting, messy, creative way for anyone 12 and under to dig into new art mediums! Throughout the semester, we’ll learn art concepts using fingerpainting, clay-work and a variety of other hands-on methods. Come join us for a fun time!



Recommended for 5-12




$350/year or $50/8 monthly payments
Included as an option for the Complete Full-Time Program

Malena Hirst

Malena has always loved artistic things.  She has taken classes and also taught herself a lot about drawing and painting.  She has painted on canvas, created several murals and many set pieces  for shows as well.  Malena has been in the theater world for a long time and she has been in the spotlight as well as behind the spotlight.  She has also done stage crew, set design, singing, dancing and acting.  She has worked with one of Utah County's best youth directors for years.  She runs her own theater production company as well--Her Highness Theater.  Malena is quite proficient at the piano and has taken voice lessons.   She has also dabbled in dulcimer and other instruments for fun and has several years experience in choirs.